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Resilience and Self-Care in Your Nursing Career

By learning how to build and strengthen resilience, nurses can maintain their passion for the field, grow from their experiences, and adapt to the ever-changing demands of their roles.


Resilience is not only a skill that nurses develop over time through experience but also one that can be intentionally cultivated. Enhancing resilience is crucial for managing the various stresses of the nursing profession.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe the Impact of Resilience on Well-being: Understand how resilience contributes to the overall well-being of nurses.

  2. Identify Self-Care Practices: Recognize your current self-care practices and how they support your resilience.

  3. Stress Management Techniques: Learn and implement three effective stress management techniques.

  4. Impact of Mindfulness on Work-Life Balance: Explore how mindfulness and self-care can help create a healthier work-life balance.

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What is Resilience?

Resilience is the ability to successfully cope with the challenges and difficulties that arise in life. In nursing, where the demands are high and the environment is constantly changing, resilience helps nurses adapt to stress, prevent burnout, and maintain their effectiveness in providing compassionate care. Resilience allows nurses to remain flexible and resourceful, even when faced with the unexpected.

Importance of Resilience in Nursing

Building resilience is essential for a long and fulfilling nursing career. With burnout rates on the rise, resilience enables nurses to maintain job satisfaction, adapt to workplace stress, and continue delivering high-quality care. Resilience not only supports nurses in their professional roles but also helps them enjoy life outside of work, stay physically and mentally healthy, and retain their empathy and passion for nursing. Without resilience, nurses are at a higher risk of experiencing severe stress, compassion fatigue, and burnout, which can lead to disengagement from the profession.

How to Develop a Resilient Mindset

  • Practice Gratitude: Regularly acknowledging the positives in your life can help shift your focus away from stress and towards what’s working well.

  • Create a Regular Self-Care Routine: Prioritize activities that nurture your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

  • Validate Your Own Experiences: Recognize and honor your thoughts, emotions, and experiences in nursing, understanding that they are valid and worth attention.

  • Know Your Resources: Familiarize yourself with local resources like Employee Assistance Programs (EAP), unit debriefs, therapy, coaching, and nursing support groups.

  • Build Community: Establish strong connections with others who can offer support when needed, whether through friends, family, or professional networks.

  • Be Aware of Triggers: Identify what stresses you out and seek support when needed to prevent chronic stress from leading to burnout.

  • Develop Healthy Coping Skills: Learn techniques to manage stress effectively, allowing you to process your experiences rather than suppress them.

Self-Care Strategies

  • Prioritize Sleep: Adequate rest increases your capacity to manage stress and enhances overall well-being.

  • Eat Nutritiously: Fuel your body with foods that sustain your energy and support your health.

  • Journaling: Incorporate journaling into your routine to process experiences. This can include gratitude journaling, daily summaries, or writing down worries.

  • Affirmations: Use daily affirmations to cultivate positive self-talk and self-compassion. Consider apps like "I Am" for guided support.

  • Spend Time in Nature: Find quiet environments where you can relax and recharge.

  • Be Intentional with Time: Engage in activities that bring you joy and spend quality time with loved ones.

Stress Management Techniques

  • Deep Breathing: Practice techniques like box breathing or diaphragmatic breathing to calm your nervous system.

  • Mindful Movement: Engage in activities like yoga or walking where you focus on the present moment and your physical sensations.

  • Sleep: Ensure you get enough sleep to support a healthy nervous system capable of handling stress.

  • Hobbies and Interests: Dedicate time to activities that bring you joy and allow you to unwind.

  • Seek Professional Support: Consider therapy, biofeedback, or medication if stress becomes overwhelming.

  • Engage in Social Connections: Surround yourself with supportive people who help you feel seen and valued.

Work-Life Balance

  • Plan Time Off: Schedule regular breaks throughout the year to unplug and rejuvenate.

  • Take Breaks: Whenever possible, step away from your unit, go outside, or use designated relaxation spaces.

  • Know Your Boundaries: Understand your limits and honor them. Avoid overcommitting by saying no to extra shifts if you don’t have the capacity.

  • Time Management: Manage your time at work effectively to avoid taking work home. Prioritize your tasks and delegate when possible.

  • Communicate: Speak with your manager if you’re struggling with work-life balance or job stress.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness is a powerful tool for building resilience and enhancing self-care. It involves being fully present in the moment, which can be practiced anywhere and at any time. Whether through meditation, breathing exercises, or sensory engagement, mindfulness helps you become more aware of your stress levels and your need for self-care.

The Purpose of Meditation: Meditation is an intentional practice that helps you slow down and create awareness of your thoughts, sensations, and emotions. It’s not about eliminating thoughts but rather about observing them without judgment. This increased awareness can lead to greater acceptance of your experiences, reducing stress and increasing resilience.

Consider using meditation apps like Headspace, Balance, Calm, or Insight Timer to guide your practice. As you become more comfortable with mindfulness and meditation, you’ll likely notice a deeper sense of calm and an enhanced ability to handle stress.

Additional Resources

Author Bio

I’m Ashley Zeckmeister, a certified health and wellness coach and registered holistic nurse and nurse coach! I’m passionate about supporting healthcare workers with all things health and wellness, from work-life balance, to self-care, and embodying their most authentic voice. I truly believe that we all have a deep, inner wisdom that can help guide us to reaching our goals, we’ve just lost touch with that part of ourselves from living in such a fast-paced environment. As we learn to slow down, prioritize taking care of ourselves, and listen to our inner wisdom, we cultivate an authenticity that supports us in achieving all of our goals!

Additional Support

If you're seeking additional support on any of these topics, I’m here to help! I offer a complimentary Discovery Call for those interested in coaching. You can easily schedule this on my website. As a special bonus for members of the Society of Future Nurse Anesthetists (SFNA), you'll receive $25 off your first coaching session when you mention your membership. I'm excited to assist you in achieving your health and wellness goals!

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